Wednesday, June 16, 2010

LAPD foothill div. ride-along

I went on a ride-along this past Tuesday with Sgt Jomini of the Foothill div.

I learned a lot from him, he was very knowledgeable and he shared with me a lot of his wisdom; I felt bad that I did not bring my notepad with me or at least a voice recorder.

He shared with me the three rules you need to follow in order to be a cop of integrity:

1. Dont make your job personal.
"There are a lot of different kinds of people on this job: some might not like black people, white people, brown people, yellow people, green people from mars, gay people or straight people, but you can never let that get in the way of doing your job. You have to treat everyone equally" I said "well thats easy, just hate everyone equally" his reply "haha yeah thats probably the easiest way to look at it, but you have to be fair to everyone and just follow the rules and run everything by the book"

2. Dont be a cop when you are off duty, just be a good witness
"There are people who still act like cops when they are off duty, they try to be a hero and would try to stop a crime from happening. The best thing you can do is just stand aside and be a good witness. You have to be smart about what you are doing in order to stay alive... which reminds me of rule number three

3. Stay alive.
"You have to trust your gut feeling, sometimes you get this feeling and you listen to it. Many times it can save your life or the life of your partner. There is no need to be reckless; you can get yourself killed, or get your partner killed. Trust me you don't want that."

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