Friday, September 17, 2010

finally made it through RTC

I graduated Navy Recruit Training Command Sept 10th 2010,  I was in division 304 out of ship 09.  I will always remember being yelled at to shave with 80 other guys and to be done in 2 minutes.  I will never forget running into the head to use the shower water to shave and looking over at the urinals only to see them being used as impromptu sinks for shaving.
For me, showering with 40 other dudes was never an issue, but for some people it was.  After about 2 or 3 days of being there, you were able to smell who these people were.  The term "bird bath" was used and used often, at first it was humorous, but then became synonymous with a foul stench, comparable to vinegar and salt.
You were given 30 seconds to get out of bed, put on your shoes and get on the "toe line".  This was an arbitrary line of tile just at the foot of the racks we slept in.  We were required to stand there at attention whenever the RDC yelled out "get on the toe line!!!"  Whenever we heard that and we were not getting out of bed, it usually meant we were about to endure an intensive training session as a group.  They work out out until your cloths are soaking with sweat, and one by one as people quit they documented that on their record.  I was always able to hang, often times not even breathing hard, but other people couldn't.  If one person took 35 seconds to get out of bed, they would IT the entire division.  For about the first 4 to 6 weeks they always found a reason to give us IT, and they always waited til about 45 minutes before taps and after we were all fresh and showered.  They enjoyed having us go to bed all soaked with sweat, and by "they" I mean the RDCs.  Recruit division commanders.
Towards the last few weeks, everyone started to become complacent and stopped following the rues.  This frustrated me the most.  Instead of doing or saying anything I just stood by for an IT session.  Since I didn't get as much exercise as I was expecting, I never took IT as a negative thing, or not as negative as others did.  Ive seen people snap after being IT'd whenever someone would talk or do something they weren't supposed to.
RTC for me was a walk in the park, the people in my Div just made it difficult.  There were a lot of recruits who had absolutely no military bearing, no respect for others and just didn't care about getting the Div in trouble. 
Im not going to say it was a great experience, because it really wasn't.  I wish I had got into a spec-ops program.  The 900 division seemed to have more discipline and teamwork than any other division.  If it  wasn't for the people in my div who didn't care about anything, we could have got the acedemic flag and battle E.  We were .05 away from it.
My advice to you reading this, get in shape.  If you cant do 100 pushups in 2 minutes dont even bother, if you cant run a mile in under 6 minutes dont even bother, if you cant do 100 situps in 2 minutes dont even bother.  If you are not a B average student... dont bother.  Wait, get into a spec ops program.  Bring a lot of addresses with you to write to, bring a lot of stamps, be prepared to be isolated from the world for 2 months.  Carrying the stupid water canteen and gaurd belt with the parka is a pain in the ass but you have to do it.  Dont make friends, they will either get ASMO'd or medically discharged or both.